Monday, September 6, 2010

Module 2 Assignment

What is one way you could become involved in designing, selecting, evaluating. or implementing an information system in your workplace?

I like to use my outlook express email at my workplace. I work for a state facility, so it is hard to implement change. We use the program AVATAR for documenting in patients' charts and transcribing doctors orders. It's not a user friendly program, but it improvement from paper documentation. Our system does include checking alerts on medication interactions which might cause problems for the patient. I don't think alerts about initiating actions for examinations, immunizations, patient education, and laboratory tests are implemented in our program, but it could be something I could check into and maybe we could implement this into our program.

Lauri Morgan


  1. Hi, Lauri,
    I'll try to post my comment again-somehow it didn't get posted. I mentioned that I'm in the MSN Teaching Nursing program and has just barely started 3 weeks ago. The school facility I work at is pushing for an electronic health system and I really hope that this takes place soon.Hopefully our facilities will catch up with the wave spreading in the health care system in terms of utilizing electronic routes of accessing vital aspects of patient care.

  2. Hi Lauri,
    You bring up very good points that are not unique to your facility alone. Recently, the AHRQ called for usability evaluation of EHR vendor systems. Currently, the efforts to evaluate EHR systems are insufficient and as a result users in various organizations experience usability problems some of which you have mentioned. Evaluating these systems before implementation and also after and incoporating necessary cahnges may improve the use satisfaction, efficiency, and impact patient safety. Nice assessment Lauri :)


  3. Thanks Seraphine,
    Technology changes so fast, it is hard to keep up with it. I love it though or I wouldn't be in this DNP program.
    Lauri Morgan
